Submitted by: Rosita Enriquez (Anaheim, CA)

Hymn 453 in the Spanish hymn book is very encouraging. It’s not in the English hymn book but you can find it the Young people’s, #744.

Yes, we are often wearied, the path is rough but Hallelujah new strength we regain when we think of New Jerusalem! O Lord strengthen us with might into our inner man. Satan is wearing us out but as member of the Body we will fight for one another in prayer, we fight from Victory! Christ defeated Satan on the cross! Now in the stage of intensification The Lord IS producing His overcomers! Amen

Here is stanza 3,

Though my feet are often wearied
On the rough and rugged path,
Just by thinking of that city, I’m restored;
Though my eyes be filled with tears,
My heart will evermore be fixed
On that City, my reward.


5 Responses

  1. O Lord, strengthen and encourage all of your chosen ones to press on toward the goal, New Jerusalem! Amen!!

  2. R.E.,

    I appreciate the sentiment of the hymn writer here, and even more so yours. I have latched on to one of your concluding sentences, “In the stage of Intensification, the Lord is producing His overcomers.” This is something quite marvelous. However, we must guard against merely being spectators with regards to such a great revelation. Perhaps you can find on your bookshelf, procure, or locate on, the small book, “Incarnation, Inclusion, and Intensification.” It is in it’s entirety, a must read, and I highly recommend it, while at the same time not doubting that you have perhaps read it already. However as far as my portion here today is concerned, I am focused on a particular section in this book. At the end of chapter 2, there is a section titled, “Doing a work of three sections.” I hope you could read or review this section, and then respond here with what you see concerning what it means to do the work of intensification. We certainly need to see what the heavenly Christ is doing in intensification, however we also should be participating in this work. I look forward to reading your response.


  3. D.W.B., Thank you for your word of perfecting. I have not read the small book, “Incarnation, Inclusion, and Intensification” but will do and respond and look forward to The Lord to show what He is doing in the stage of Intensification. I want to participate in this work. Thank you.

  4. Amen, Participating and Entering Into the Work of Intensification,

    By His mercy we were regenerated and became part of the church, but is this it? NO! We must enter into the work of intensification.
    The Lord didn’t just remain Jesus, He went on. In resurrection He became the Life-giving Spirit (1 Cor 15:45), but He did not stop there. In the book of Revelation He is the sevenfold intensified Spirit to overcome the degradation of the church (Rev. 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6). We must also advance and go onward with Him. When we were regenerated we entered into the stage of incarnation. The Lord as the Life-giving Spirit produced us as the church, this is the stage of inclusion. However, the ultimate stage of development is for us to become the overcomers and not merely remain in the first or second stage. It is marvelous to see that in Christ, we and the Lord are very much alike. In order to consumate the New Jerusalem, the Lord went through three stages; we, just as the Lord, will and must go through these three stages. Satan has most in Christianity in a state of ignorance about this subject but we must not remain in a state of not advancing. Recently there was a commercial on US athletes waiting at an airport on their way to the olympics. When they heard the call to board, those sitting among the athletes in the waiting room remained where they were, sitting, and just watched as the called ones stood up and made their way forward. We certainly can’t remain spectators and wait just as these ones sitting in the waiting room because we are called to be overcomers. Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:18 for us to know the hope of our calling. According to footnote 3, this hope of our calling includes our “kingly enjoyment with Christ in the millenium,” our being overcomers in this age. Immediately the following verse speaks of the “surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe” and footnote 2 says, “This power is very subjective and experiential for us today. God’s power toward us is surpassingly great. We need to know it and experience it.” This power operated in Christ when He resurrected, but now as the Sevenfold intensified Spirit everything within Him including this power has being intensified sevenfold! I believe that when brother Lee wrote Hymn 894 each of the nine times he asked “Will you be an overcomer?” the Lord was longing for a unwavering YES in our being. Today whether we are in the first or the second stage, The Lord as the Sevenfold intensified Spirit is calling us to advance, to go onward with Him. Our becoming children of God is the foundation and we must build on this foundation until we have the completion of the building which is the work of intensification.

    To do the work of intensification we must pray, “Lord, I must advance. I need Your grace to bring me onward. I do not want to remain in the work of incarnation nor even in the work of inclusion. I want to advance from inclusion to intensification. Lord, You have been intensified sevenfold, and I pray that I also will be intensified sevenfold to overcome the degradation of the church that the Body may be built up to consummate the New Jerusalem.” (Incarnation, Inclusion, and Intensification Chapter 2) The Lord as the sevenfold intensified life-giving Spirit can overcome and deal with ANY degradation in us and intensify us sevenfold. As brother Lee, we can pray in this way, “Lord, I am endeavoring to do my best to be an overcomer for the building up of Your Body to consummate the New Jerusalem.” (Chapter 2)
    Yes The Lord as The Sevenfold intensified Spirit will produce the overcomers; however, we must not remain spectators but endeavor to be His overcomers in this age.

  5. Praise the Lord that we are fighting not for victory, rather in victory. Satan has been defeated on the cross. As long as we remain in the high tower of our spirit, Satan has no way and no ground to touch us.
    The Lord today is the Sevenfold intensified Spirit who will produce the overcomers in this age. In our own, we cannot overcome, however, we do have the real overcomer within us. We just have to be in Him.

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