Truth and practice are two of the main emphases of the Lord’s recovery work. Yet, as brother Andrew Yu stated in the 2011 Thanksgiving conference, we need to realize that the Lord’s recovery is also a recovery of the proper Christian living.

The proper Christian living is not merely a moral or ethical living – the Mormons and Buddhists have that. Rather, it is a mystical living, a shining living, and a convicting living to the world around us. It is a living that is found in Romans chapter 8, which reveals the focus of the Bible and the center of the universe.

The whole Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, has one central focus: that God wants to come into man, be mingled with man to the extent that He and man become one, and to reign through man to regain the Earth and be expressed in man as the New Jerusalem for eternity. This is what Romans 8 reveals. Romans 8 tells us that God has become the Spirit who is now indwelling our spirit, where He is spreading out to transform our soul and eventually our mortal bodies, and that He is working to conform us to His image to express Him for eternity. Romans 8, therefore, shows us the focus of the entire Bible.

Romans 8 also reveals the center of the universe. Astronomers and physicists may tell us that there is no discernable center in the universe, but the Bible tells us that there is! In Psalm 8, the psalmist, in the middle of his admiration of creation – the stars, the moon, the animals, fish, and birds in the air – exclaims, “What is MAN?” He did not question in awe, “What is the Milky Way?” or “What is the elephant?” In the entire universe, the most mysterious and central matter is man. Zechariah 12:1 even places man, and in particular man’s spirit, on the same level as the heavens and the earth. Romans 8 is centered on the fact that man has a spirit, and that it is mingled with the Spirit. Romans 8 reveals that the entire creation is groaning for one thing – for the full conformation and manifestation of the sons of God (19-23). In Romans 8, the divine (zoe) life entered into man! One small step for man (calling on the Lord) became one giant leap for the universe!

Ultimately, this life that has entered into our being has brought along with it a law, a spontaneous, normal, dynamic property that operates automatically when this life is activated. The dog life barks, the bird life flies, the Adamic life sins, but the divine (zoe) life overcomes! This zoe life effortlessly defeats the law of sin and of death. In the same way that an airplane uses the law of aerodynamics to overcome the law of gravity, our spirit, which is now life itself (Rom. 8:10), uses the law within it to effortlessly overcome sin and death. All we have to do is “sit in the airplane” of the Lord Jesus in our spirit!

Let us be those who activate this law, day by day, not by our effort but by calling on the Lord’s dear name. When you overcome by effort, there is pride, but when the law of the Spirit of life operates, there is simply enjoyment. May we continue to enjoy this law in our spirit, which is full of satisfaction, and which places us both in the focus of the entire Bible, and in the center of the universe.

5 Responses

  1. Amen for the Law of the Spirit of life operating in us for our enjoyment.Lord! we give our self to cooperate with this Spirit.

  2. Amen! O Lord Jesus! “In Romans 8, the divine (zoe) life entered into man! One small step for man (calling on the Lord) became one giant leap for the universe!”

  3. “When you overcome by effort, there is pride, but when the law of the Spirit of life operates, there is simply enjoyment.”

    Wow, just wow. LoL (Lord, Oh Lord…)

    Thanks You Lord, for Zech. 12:1 and Rom. 8.

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