Submitted by: Chad (Fargo, ND, USA)

Praise the Lord Jesus from Fargo, North Dakota! My first week in the Church Life was during the summer training last July, 2011 and the Lord did a wonderful work in me to release me from religion and the exulting of good works done in the flesh! Hallelujah! Currently, Fargo has no Local Churches representing the testimony of Jesus as revealed by the Spirit in the Scriptures.(That I’ve found) Fargo is located half way between two healthy localities of Winnepeg, Canada, and Minneapolis, MN of which the Lord has blessed me with many opportunites to blend. I thank and praise the Lord for delivering me from the bondage of Babylon and preserving me so faithfully during this time in Fargo alone! We have been and continue to pray that the Lord would raise a lamp stand here for His testimony.

My request is that the saints would remember Fargo before the Lord and ask Him about Fargo and what He would like to do as He has started a work.

May we be to the praise of His glory and love the Lord Jesus to the uttermost!

Brother Chad

10 Responses

    1. o lord what about your lampstand at fargo? shine on the darkness there?
      strengthen brother chad into his inner man!

      hallelujha brother chad we are with you in our prayer in jimma (Ethiopia).
      here also the lord is stripping off the darkness with his glorious lampstands. hallelujha for the church in jimma!

  1. Keep enjoying the Lord brother Chad! May He add some fellow enjoyers together with you. We are one with you for the Lord’s expression in North Dekota.

  2. Wow, praise the Lord brother Chad! Much grace to you as you stand for the Lord in Fargo! Oh Lord, how about a lampstand in Fargo in 2012!

  3. Amen! Gain your testimony in Fargo, Lord! Burden some saints to move to Fargo!

    Praise the Lord, brother Chad. Your standing firm in the Lord is an encouragement to us. We’ll remember you in prayer from New Zealand.

  4. Amen Lord you are the Ascended Christ that is constituting yourself in/as the Church. Thank you for Brother Chad and your work. Brother Chad Grace to you and peace.

  5. Chad, We will be praying for you there. Perhaps we can come visit when the time is right. My wife Sonia and I (Todd), and another sister Tina pray every Tues eve. We’ll add you to the list. We are in Pullman.

    Aren’t the Life Studies from I Thessalonians rich? It is soooooooooooo good to be ones who are in God the Father, and in the Lord Jesus Christ. These words have a whole new meaning to me.

    Much grace brother.

  6. Dear Brother Chad

    I am in the Church in Sacramento, Ca. I just found this website last night. I am standing with you and the Lords testimony in Fargo!

    “Oh Lord Jesus spread your Divine Economy in Fargo. Lord Jesus take the whole inhabited earth so that you may come back soon. We stand with you Lord for your move and your recovering of the earth. Defeat your enemy as we all stand together with you and with each other in the Body. We Love you Lord Jesus.”

    Praise Him for recovering you Brother Chad.

    Sister Rheta

  7. Amen! Praise the Lord for His move in Fargo, ND! May the Lord add to you abundantly! We are standing with you in the Body!

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