Submitted by: RE (Anaheim)

One famous quote of Darby ”O the joy of having nothing and being nothing, seeing nothing/ But a living Christ in glory”


Francis Newman, one of Darby’s friends, said to him —“To desire to be rich is unchristian and absurd; but if I were the father of children, I should wish to be rich enough to secure them a good education.” Darby replied “If I had children, I would as soon see them break stones on the road, as do anything else, if only I could secure to them the Gospel and the grace of God.”

Lord we give our children to You, cause us to be pure patterns of those who desire Christ for them. Cause them to see Christ in us now.

Saints I have often heard that there are many parents in the church who have a hard time letting go of their children, who are even an obstacle for their children when they decide to go to the FTT, where would we be when ours grow up? Where do we stand now? Wasting ourselves in pursuing an out-of-pocket, unreachable Education or Christ?

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