This is a video of the testimonies of the saints who migrated to Fort Collins, Colorado, as posted on

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3 Responses

  1. Amen, amen, amen! All that the saints have shared is wonderfully true. Our Lord is amazingly able to do more than we can ask or think… All He needs is open vessels. Lord, we just love You and we love Your move on the earth, thank You for choosing us to be part of what You are doing. Privilege untold!

  2. Praise the Lord! He is a moving God. May we be those who give Him a way to flow through us. May we be those who are one with His move on this Earth.

  3. It’s just great to see couples migrating for the Lord’s move. I am really touched to see the saints devoting their whole life for the Lord. May the Lord touch us more to take His way.

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