The link below is to a working saints fellowship time in Madison, WI in March 2011. The speaker is brother Ron Kangas. The topic is “The Will of God.”

For more on this topic, we encourage you to read Messages Given to the Working Saints, which can be found here, as well as on all major eBook platforms.

Click on the link to listen to the message, or right click to download (audio).

16 Responses

  1. Praise the Lord, I just listen to the message Ron gave in WI Thank you Lord for a practical way to know the will of God. First, we do need to seek the Kingdom of God. My husband and I are right now before the Lord on where to move and our prayer has been Lord, we want your will, not our self. Thank you for this web sight I go to it often. Karen Badger

  2. I have been feeding on this whole conference all week. This speaking has been very timely and supplying. I have been encouraged not to be trivial in my relationship with the Lord but to go deeper in my time with Him. Also, I received the word to try reading the NT, text only, in a month. This has been sanctifying and washing already.

    We are in the process of migrating, which so far has taken over 7 months of waiting for our house to sell. We may finally be moving on to the next stage of actually selling the house and moving, so all the speaking about spending time with the Lord and His word, and allowing Him to dwell in us has been very helpful because I would just be in my anxiety. But now He is gently but firmly reminding me to keep turning, keep calling, keep resting in Him. The Lord is so faithful. Whether this deal goes through or not, His speaking is operating. My prayer is that I would not miss Him. I don’t want to remain the same. Lord, grow in me.

    1. Amen. It is so real that we all have anxieties no matter what we’re in. In teaching about the kingdom, the Lord said we should not be anxious for tomorrow. May we be firmly attached to Him and have constant fellowship and talk with Him so He would take care of everything and we’ll enjoy Him as our Sabbath rest.

    2. I really enjoyed the message posted on but I don’t see the rest of the messages for this conference. Would you forward the link for the rest of the messages?

      San Diego, CA

  3. I especially have been helped by our brother’s sharing on receiving grace when we humble ourselves under the limitation the Lord has for us. He shared it in the context of being a sister-mom, but as a brother I felt this word was for me as well. How much grace I miss out on by rebelling against the limitations the Lord has placed around me sovereignly!

  4. As always Brother Ron has spoken spiritual and practical words, precisely discerning and addressing personal matters that i could not convey in adequate words. This is a very inspiring and enlightening message; i pray the words remain ingrained in my being as a light guiding me everyday.

  5. I thank the Lord for His speaking to us… I pray that all the young couples and working saints in the Lord’s recovery may open our hearts to receive the sweet fellowship and may we respond with a fresh consecration to the Lord!

  6. this sharing is so precious – we enjoyed it here in London(UK) at our first young adults gathering. God’s will is One Person – Christ, One Way – the cross, and One Goal – the church! Yes, there are many practical things that need to be dealt with and taken care of, but NEVER loose track of God’s will!

  7. Thank you Lord. Thank you for the situation we are in. May we open to the Lord’s speaking that He may gain us.

    My wife and I recently, if you can say that 2 years is recent, migrated to Ohio in response to the burden in the body concerning GTCA. I must confess, I really needed to hear such a word. We are a young couple and to hear such a word is God’s mercy.

  8. Have been trying to play this audio message, however the only display that I keep getting is that it is buffering. I am also unable to download the message through the provided link.

    Have been really looking forward to listen to this message after reading the description about this message.

    I so badly need to hear what the Spirit had to tell the working saints through our Br. Ron Kangas.

    Please help me with the audio message.

    Thank You.

  9. Lord Jesus we thank You and praise You for all Your sovereign arraingments to our daily walk with You as one corporate body that we may gain more of Christ, amen.

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