In these days we are all so burdened to be one with the Lord to go on with Him to prepare His bride for the consummation of the age.  However, as we are going on with the Lord we must pay close attention to the nature of our relationship with the Lord.  There is always the risk of being distracted from the primary matter of remaining in a personal and affectionate relationship with the Lord.  The Lord will gain what He is after in us personally and in His Body corporately by gaining us to enjoy Him in this kind of relationship.  Praise the Lord that in His recovery, we are learning to enjoy God in such a relationship. 

“God works in a personal and affectionate way, not in the way of a movement. Mao Tse-tung gained the people of China by a movement, not by personal contact and affection. Even many in Christianity like to use the term movement. Some say that at John Wesley‘s time in Oxford there was a movement. They also say that there was a great movement, a great revival, in Wales at the beginning of this century. This concept of having a movement is wrong. We do not want to have a movement in the Lord’s recovery. A person can be moved to join a movement and not have any personal contact with the Lord. Recently, we have stressed that God became a man that man may become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead. Although many responded to this truth, I was not very happy, because this response was a movement. In order to practice such a high truth, we need the personal and affectionate experience of Christ.” (Witness Lee, Crystallization-Study of the Song of Songs, ch. 1)

A top way to enjoy God in a personal and affectionate relationship is to spend time with the Lord in prayer.  This prayer is simply our turning to our spirit, not being distracted by our mind or emotions, and simply breathing in God Himself.  As we spend time with the Lord in this way He is able to move within us and spread within us.  It can be very difficult to just come to the Lord with no agenda, and just be in His presence, enjoying Him alone, so we must practice.  The Lord knows all our needs already and is happy to take care of us.  His primary desire is for us to open to Him and give Him the opportunity to dispense Himself into our being.  We turn to our spirit and behold the Lord and just absorb Him. As we behold His beauty we will spontaneously begin to worship and praise Him.

As we are in the Lord’s presence we should be calm and just wait on the Lord.  It might be our tendency to spend all our time in prayer talking and never let the Lord speak.  This wild prayer never allows the Lord a chance to reveal what is on His heart, making it difficult for us to have real prayer.  During this time of being calm and waiting on the Lord, a sense may come from deep within us.  We should pray and intercede according to this inner sense.  Sometimes it can be difficult to sense the Lord if we bring all our own matters to the Lord and never give Him a chance to speak.  However, we can come to Him and inquire of Him, patiently waiting for His speaking.  Abraham interacted with the Lord this way.  The Lord made His intention known to Abraham and Abraham responded with proper intercession.  Such an exchange of inquiring of the Lord, the Lord speaking His heart, and our response is a wonderful experience of genuine prayer.

As we learn to spend time with the Lord, letting Him take the lead as we just enjoy His presence, He will infuse us with Himself, with His heart’s desire.  Then, as those who are a duplication of the Lord and one with Him in His desire, we can move with the Lord for His move.  This is altogether different than a movement.  A personal and affectionate relationship with the Lord implies our being open to Him, concerned with Him, and even taking Him as the object and content of our prayer.  May we all endeavor to enjoy God in this way more and more for the fulfillment of His desire.

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