Submitted by: Michelle Mitcheff (formerly Britt) (Sheridan, Wyoming)

I recently got married and the day or our honeymoon my husband was laid off and the Lord moved us to a place I had no desire to come. I cannot say it was based on fellowship, but it was based on our prayer and sovereign circumstances. I was in fear and trembling to move, but the Lord sometimes gets what He is after by upsetting our circumstances and doing what we least expect (usually).

As we were driving our Uhaul from Texas to Wyoming, I remembered an older sister told me that one day she believed I would end up back in my home state for the gospel of the kingdom…I laughed. As we drove into the state where I was born and raised there were tears and peace within and a burden for my friends and family. It has been less than easy to be newly married, newly moved and in a place with no church. I am dependent on weekly phone calls with some I am vital with, and my time in the Word and ministry. And I often fail at the time with Him.

We attended the Labor Day conference in Denver and my husband (who is new to the ministry and the church) fell in love with the speaking. We are endeavoring to become vital personally and together and Satan hates that so it is always a battle not meant to be fought alone.  Recently, I had a cancer health scare which caused us to be most desperate. All the test results came out benign but the Lord did some work in our hearts and circumstances. Right after that it is like the seekers came out of the woodwork. I really don’t have anything specific to say except that the Lord is moving us and moving through the prayer (the saints in San Marcos, TX pray for us every prayer meeting). There are believers here who have been reading the ministry. My childhood best friend and her husband are hungry, open and reading the Word. And the sisters in the mountain states are praying over the phone together and visiting one another for the sake of His move. In my husband and my work circumstances there are many believers. I feel like I have been blind and dull to what the Lord is doing as far as hungry ones.

I am truly a failure, but the Lord is so wise to have created His masterpiece out of so many failures and weak ones. We need one another and then the Lord can move in even remote places such as Wyoming. Please visit us! We love the saints to come and stay with us. The campus here is open to the gospel and so is the city.
I am so encouraged by so many testimonies and will be praying for many of the mentioned situations with my prayer partners.

10 Responses

    1. Thank you! And it is obvious there is prayer. We bought a home and the Lord brought a young couple for us to begin to fellowship. We just bought a home and plan to open it to the believers here in Sheridan.

      1. I just read this post which is from 2011 – My date of finding this is 2/23/24
        – Are there still saints or some families in Sheridan, Wyoming who are seeking? Are there some believers in Sheridan who are taking the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee / in fellowship with the churches in the Lord’s Recovery?


  1. Sis, be encouraged. The Church is the warrior. We are all with you universally.
    God can only trust the kind of persons He had chosen for His good Pleasure.

  2. amen, we truly are just failures, but we can give ourselves to the Lord and we can pray desperately! Thank you for this testimony… – it is so similar to our experience….

    Lord, amen, make us more vital, no matter what!

  3. Amen. Dear sister, I am also in a country where there is no Lord’s recovery yet. The Lord is sovereign and has the best arrangement for us to grow in life. The Lord breaks us to rebuild us with Himself.

    O Lord Jesus, have Your way to gain us!

  4. Dear sister, this is so, so encouraging. I pray that almost 2 years later, grace as a river is still flowing to you. Praise the Lord.

  5. Hi,happy to hear the Lord is moving in your life,,I am also waiting for a ministry door to open ,although I minister every day to someone,I’m kind of a traveling evangelist-in my mind at least,my heart is that none would perish-also interested in tent meetings in the western states,,,,God Bless

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