The Triune God, God’s salvation in life, and the ground of the church are three vital categories of truth that have been opposed for decades. These three categories of truth share one characteristic—they are all vital to the accomplishment of God’s eternal economy. Without Christ being the Spirit, there would be no way for us to experience the unsearchable riches of Christ (Eph. 3:8) and no way for Him to make His home in our hearts (v. 17). Without the organic aspect of God’s salvation, we would have no way to grow unto maturity, and God would have no way to conform us to the image of His Son. Without the ground of the church, there would be no way to manifest the oneness of Christ’s Body or to practically build up the Body. The following article from Shepherding Words clearly explains the teaching of the ministry in the Lord’s recovery regarding these three foundational truths.

Three Foundational Truths and Why They Matter


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