Praise the Lord for His keeping power! We are currently living in an unprecedented time due to the global outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. We pray that the Lord would limit its spread for the sake of His move and testimony on the earth. At the same time, we want to be those who redeem the time (Eph. 5:16; Col. 4:5) and not miss an opportunity that the Lord has ordained for us to gain Him in a particular way.

Since many of us are currently staying at home to quell the spread of the disease, we would like to propose a way to redeem our time by diving into the riches of the ministry. We realize that while some saints may have more time on their hands, there are others who are actually busier than before, juggling remote work, childcare, and possibly home-school at the same time. It is therefore not our intention to suggest anything that would become overly burdensome to anyone. Instead, we want to cultivate a corporate and mutual atmosphere of getting into the truth and foster an online environment where we can fellowship over the truth.

To this end, we are proposing that we corporately get into the Life-Study of Deuteronomy starting Monday, 4/13/2020 in order to more thoroughly digest the rich speaking from the past December training on the Crystallization-Study of Deuteronomy. We will follow a reading schedule of the Life-study messages at a pace of 3 messages a week for 10 weeks, during which time will post weekly summaries of the reading and questions concerning the crucial points from these messages for everyone to consider and respond to. We hope that this will not merely be a reading schedule, but a time of corporate digestion of these riches. Even if you cannot follow the reading schedule, or are already on a different schedule, we encourage you to participate by sharing your responses and enjoyment, asking a question, or simply following the posts.

By doing so in a corporate way, we hope to “incite one another to love and good works” (Heb. 10:24) and be mutually encouraged in our pursuit of the Lord in the midst of the current world situation. May the Lord gain more ground in our hearts during this time and perfect us for His ultimate move.

You can follow this corporate pursuit at, or receive updates on the following social media platforms (click on the symbols to link to our accounts):

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12 Responses

  1. Thank you Lord for leading the co-working and leading brothers into wisdom on how to lead your church in this time. In this time when it’s so much confusion in the earthly government it is so assuring, calming and peaceful to experience a clear direction to the body from the Brothers. I’ve never appreciated so much the brothers portion, their leading as much as I do in this hour.

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