Below is the link to a special fellowship given by brother Tom Goetz as part of the working saints gathering at the 2019 Thanksgiving Day Conference in Houston, Texas. The recording of the entire gathering may be accessed here.

In this short speaking brother Tom Goetz uses some of his personal experiences to share his strong burden for the working saints to grow in the divine life in order to reach maturity and be formed into God’s army. As believers in Christ we should always be growing in the divine life (Eph. 4:15) until we reach maturity (Col. 1:28), which corresponds to our usefulness in our service to Him (Eph. 4:12). It is possible for us to do many things for the Lord, but for those things to be “wood, grass, and stubble” (1 Cor. 3:12-13). Therefore, we should exercise a healthy caution with a proper fear (1 Pet. 2:17) that our work would not merely be out of our natural strength.

In order to deal with our natural life, the Lord allows many things to happen to us throughout our lives. We must learn to be open to the Lord in every situation and give Him the permission to lead us through these experiences in order to deal with our flesh, our self, and our natural constitution. We must learn to open to the Lord in everything in our lives and repeatedly consecrate ourselves to Him (Rom. 8:28).

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