Recently, there is a renewed burden for the Lord’s move to Gospelize, Truthize, and Churchize America (GTCA), specifically with a view to strengthening the testimony of the Lord’s recovery in the heartland of America. Brother Witness Lee spoke a number of times regarding the importance of the United States, due to both its geographical location, as well as its political stability and prominence, in supporting the spread of the Lord’s recovery throughout the whole earth. To be such a base for the Lord’s move, there must necessarily be a strong testimony throughout the country itself, especially in the so-called “Bible Belt,” the center of the country which is full of proper vessels, godly believers and Christ-seekers waiting to be contacted and gained by the Lord.

In keeping with brother Lee’s burden, the co-workers in North America have released a letter outlining a fresh and intensified move of GTCA. The goal is for 300 saints to move to 10 specified localities for the sake of strengthening the testimony in Middle America, as well as the raising up of 5 campus teams to labor on nearby universities. While this correspondence mainly pertains to those saints meeting with the churches in the US, we feel that it is healthy and proper for all of the saints in the Lord’s recovery to be aware of the burden for the sake of prayer and staying up-to-date with the Lord’s present move.

Please visit to view the letter and sign up for updates.

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