I would like to share my experience of meeting with the Christians, or as the Bible mentions, “saints” (Acts 9:13) who meet as the church in Fairborn. A hymn that describes my experience goes like this, “We have found that meeting with the saints is the greatest joy on earth/’Tis by this our spirit never faints/And our lives are filled with worth.” In the midst of the difficult pressures of raising my sons as a working mom and of everyday life, meeting with these Christians, both in the larger church meetings as well as informally in our homes, has truly been a joy to me. As we meet and share with one another portions of the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, I have seen another view, like the Psalmist in Psalms 73:17: my perplexing problems explained in line with God’s purpose. Here God is becoming my only desire and goal (Psa 73:25), and He is consistently giving meaning to my life as I carry out my human responsibilities. I am thankful to God beyond words for these precious times my family and I can spend with these Christians.

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