“If we are faithless, He remains faithful.” (2 Tim. 2:13) “Two are better than one… For if they fall, the one will lift up his companion.” (Eccl. 4:9-10)

In my Christian life, there have been “falls”, as well as multiple points of being “faithless”. I think I’m starting to see that this is a common part of Christian life. Life is filled with many tests. And many of the tests so far, I’ve failed. So what do I do at those points, when I’m powerless to go on? I testify that being in the church life in the Lord’s recovery sustains me during those times. When I am weak, I get myself to the meeting – sometimes, mercifully the meeting is even brought to my house so I don’t have to travel anywhere. When the saints are near, there is a heavenly, spiritual supply. There is light shining, and also there is grace and enjoyment. There is the strength to be encouraged to go on, to continue to open to the Lord and to turn to Him in spirit. One time in our small group, we enjoyed a sentence from Witness Lee’s writings: “The saints can be a greater supply to us because 90% of the supply that the Lord gives us is through the saints.” When I have not been able to break through certain barriers in my walk with the Lord on my own, I can testify that being in the meetings of the church has often resulted in the breakthrough that I needed. Meeting with the church is able to supply us and shine in us in such a way where the barriers are broken down. It might take some time, but this supply is rich, deep, powerful, available, able to give joy and peace, and what we really need. Meeting with the saints in the Lord’s recovery is why I am still progressing step-by-step on my journey with the Lord today.

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