Below are links to messages from a recent Mid-Atlantic working saints and families retreat given by brother Mark Raabe from November 18-19, 2017. The general subject is “A Living of Seeking First the Kingdom of God.” Brother Mark was burdened for us to see the importance of the human heart – the conglomerate of man’s inward parts – in relation to the growth of the divine seed, and to learn to deal thoroughly with the condition of our heart for its growth unto God’s building.

Message 1 (audio): Living the Kingdom Life for the Growth of the Seed of the Kingdom within Us

Message 2 (audio): The Growth of the Divine Seed of the Kingdom in the Human Heart for God’s Building

Message 3 (audio): Being Watchful in Life and Faithful in Service


3 Responses

  1. Amen, to the Lord’s speaking through the Brothers. I have been enlightened concerning our heart being the ground for the seed of the Divine life of God’s kingdom to be sowed into our being. For this we must exercise our heart to chose life and be open in our heart, turned to the Lord so our heart can be active when we exercise our spirit to contact God to be filled with God and to obey Him.
    I have been also encouraged through the Brothers speaking to focus on life, on the Kingdom and on the New Jerusalem. Particularly that the growth in life is the coming of God’s Kingdom. I appreciate now more than ever that we need to spend time in the Word, to gain the Life, to grow for the building up of the Body of Christ and for God’s Kingdom to come. It is clear from the brothers speaking that we must be the wise virgins today, who not only gain life into our spirit but who are filled with the Spirit in our souls, in our will emotion and in our mind.
    I am also enlightened concerning loving the Lord and serving the Lord as a slave. Valuing the Lord above the world. the Brother said we need to pay attention to life and to our service to the Lord. As regarding life we are virgins, as regarding service we are slaves.
    I am made clear that to be a slave to the Lord is to love the Lord, love the Church and love the saints so much so we will not be parted from them. In this love also we serve the Lord out of the abundance of His divine life growing in us.

    May the Lord bless us to be in these things awaiting Him. Praise the Lord. amen.

  2. This is something I truly needed to receive. I’m still listening and enjoying this nourishing word. Praise God.

  3. Amen for This Spirtual connection, that I’m truly being transformed to Life,Life living for Christ, and this Ministry for its food sharing.

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