imageIndescribable! After months and months of planning, countless hours of prayer and coordination, thousands of miles of travel, and five days of infusion, preparation, saturation, enjoyment, blending, and praising, the Lord gained what He was after: the corporate consecration of 1,300 precious young people! The atmosphere tonight, the last night of the 2015 National College Training, was palpable, electrifying, and unquenchable! And all who were there will have the memory of tonight stamped into their being. Lives have been changed and the Lord has gained what He is after!

The collective anticipation for tonight’s meeting built up throughout the day. When the students gathered in the afternoon for the group picture, they broke into spontaneous song. The most college students ever assembled in one place in our recent memory, singing and praising, soaking in a precious moment of just being together, realizing that this time has been so special, so unprecedented, and is now nearing its close. After taking the picture everyone walked back for one last supper, as brother Ken unknowingly called it. But a last supper it was. The last supper before the Lord would gain what He so desperately wanted and needed for His eternal purpose.

In the evening meeting, Brother Minoru faithfully and soberly spoke of the Lord’s jealousy to claim what was His (2 Cor. 11:2). He called for His young men to offer themselves willingly in the day of His warfare, in the splendor of their consecration that they would be the dew for the Lord to drink of and be satisfied (Psalm 110:3,7). He called for the willing, corporate consecration from the trainees, and what ensued was a splendor that none of us had witnessed before. Student after student, corporately, publicly, specifically, consecrating their college years, the Full-Time Training, and their lives to the Lord to turn this age!

At least 99 students prayed at the microphones, but hundreds more were standing in line to pray when they had to stop the prayers because of time. All in line stayed standing and the rest of the students spontaneously stood as twelve of the leading brothers serving in the college training poured out their prayers as a drink offering upon the sacrificing prayers of the students (Phil. 2:17). One co-worker prayed, “Lord it was our turn, and now it’s their turn!” In this way, all of the trainees consecrated and were consecrated to the Lord for His purpose. The Lord gained the consecration and harvest that He was anticipating, and all the trainees broke out in praise to the Lord! As they exited, many tears were shed as they corporately sang “Our prayer is come Lord Jesus!” ending the last night as the Bible ends, with a cry for His return! As 1,300 students walked the 15 minute walk back to the dorms, songs and prayers could be heard across campus, praising and enjoying in one accord, happily exhausted and fully consecrated to Him for His purpose!

Some consecrating prayers from tonight:

“This is the generation that seeks Your face. Save us from seeking anything else!”

“Oh Lord Jesus I love you! Thank You for calling each one of us. Never let us go!”

“Draw and win and fill completely!”

“Lord Jesus I give You my college years! Nothing in this world satisfies. Don’t let us go. Make us Your age-turners!”

“Lord we don’t want to see You wait! Lord we want to be the generation that brings You back!”

“You are a jealous God. Thank You for claiming us! Fully possess me. I would be the dew to satisfy You!”

“Lord Jesus don’t let me hold my life as if precious to myself!”

“Lord make us decrease that You could increase. Make us nothing that You could be everything!”

The rest of our days are for You. Lord Jesus use us! We would consummate this age!”

“We consecrate this whole generation to You. We are Yours! I love my master. I will not go out free!”

“Oh Lord Jesus I consecrate my life to You. Lord make me absolute for You!”

“We confess we are not absolute. You are the absolute One in us. May You gain the consecration of this generation!”

“Thank You You claimed us. We are Your people. Lord I’m willing, I give my whole being to You. Lord I give You my college years, the full-time training, and my whole life!”

“Come Lord Jesus!”

“Lord I offer myself willingly to You. Don’t let me go. Lord have Your way in me. Lord make me an age-turner!”

“Lord I do not know what this entails, but I give myself to You. Work this out in me.”

“Oh Lord I confess I’m sick of this world. I want nothing of this world. Lord Jesus I love You!”

“Lord gain Your age-turners!”

Updates of the National College Training will be sent daily. Please spread these updates and this burden so many more can participate in prayer and be encouraged with the Lord’s move among the college-age saints!

5 Responses

  1. HALLELUIA for such a RICH and GLORIOUS answer to our prayers!! Thank you dear Lord! Take each one of those students on in an intensified way!

    1. Yes there is a life-study of Ezekiel but it is comprised in one life-study book that consists of Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Ezekiel. To find it – go to amazon and type out life-study of Ezekiel in the search box and it should appear on the first page or you can find it on the lsm – Living Stream Ministry website.

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