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Age-turners know the Lord’s presence, experience the two aspects of the Spirit, and run with those! This is God’s need! God needs the overcomers! In the Appendix of The Glorious Church, brother Nee says that, “if a dispensational move is near, then God needs an instrument…What are we doing to close this dispensation? What are we doing to bring in the next age? This is a special time, so there is the need of special Christians to do a special work.”

Two patterns of such ones are John the Baptist and Peter. We saw in the life of John the Baptist, that although he was born of the tribe of Levi, he became a Nazarite in addition. As believers, we too have been born priests, but like John the Baptist, we also need the vow of the Nazarite in order to meet God’s need. Like Peter, the Lord’s desire is to raise us up as fishers of men and transform us into living stones for His building. May the Lord gain our cooperation to be raised up and trained by Him for His move.

Message after the message the Lord has released His rich speaking with the students responding in a strong and definite way. The atmosphere is high, released, serious, and exercised. The students have faithfully given themselves to the memorization of verses manifested through group testing before the evening message. And the prophesying following the message has been particularly rich. Thank the Lord for all the prayers and covering of the saints fighting for each student here. Below are some testimonies:

“We don’t have to be eloquent when we preach the gospel, we don’t need to use our words, we just need to use God’s words!” –senior, University of North Texas

“I enjoyed that in order for us to be filled, we have to empty ourselves and flow out!” –incoming freshman, Irvine Valley College

“I enjoyed how simple it is to let the Lord in, because I’m a perfectionist and I have a lot of expectations for myself, but the Lord doesn’t even expect those things from me…I had to repent from trying to change myself out of myself, so it was really comforting to know that all I have to do is open!” –sophomore, Fullerton College

“I enjoyed how the Lord honors our consecration, so no matter how many times we fall away, we have to keep bouncing back. We pray that all the young people give themselves to the Lord and he would remember that.” –junior, Saddleback

“We cannot be fishers on our own, we need the companions and the homes. We need a nucleus of companions and follow up with our new ones in the homes so they can be nourished continually!” –graduate from San Diego State University

“He is precious, and He is making us men of preciousness – even preciousness itself!” –junior, Cal State University, Long Beach

“No matter how many times Peter denied the Lord, the Lord never gave up on him. It reminded me how even though we fail the Lord will always love us!” –incoming freshman, University of California, Los Angeles

“We need to realize that no matter what the cost, we need to be willing to allow the Lord to take us through the experiences we need to be transformed so we can be useful to Him!” –senior, University College London, England

“I enjoyed that we need to be fishermen on our campuses to preach the gospel and spread the word of God!” –incoming freshmen, University of California, Los Angeles

Prayer burdens:
1. The remaining days of the training would be fully separated unto the Lord, with no confusion and no distractions, but that every student would be wholly and absolutely focused on the Lord.
2. Every student would discover in a fresh way calling on the name of the Lord and pray-reading.
3. Every student would have genuine companions to run with on their college campuses (2 Tim. 2:22).
4. The Lord could recover an absoluteness to Him and a willing consecration (Psa. 110:3) from every student.

Updates of the National College Training will be sent daily. Please spread these updates and this burden so many more can participate in prayer and be encouraged with the Lord’s move among the college-age saints!

2 Responses

  1. i was strengthened by the enjoyment of the saints. i particularly was touched by this, ” no matter what the cost, we need to be willing to be open to allow the Lord to take us through the experiences we need to be transformed so that we can be useful to Him”.
    Lord be our willingness. You are the only One who is willing, we are not. Lord we need You to open our vessels for Your transforming work. Be our portion of grace so that You can carry us through. Thank You Lord Jesus. I love You!

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