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Praise the Lord for another glorious day in the 2015 National College Training! We have definitely settled into the routine and schedule of the training. The atmosphere is beginning to rise a little more each day as our vision, exercise and blending increases! The trainees have a happy attitude when it comes to navigating the schedule and the campus. The only striving that occurs is to get into the doors to get the best seats for the evening meeting. As one student said when entering, “the kingdom of the heavens is taken by violence!” (Matt. 11:12) The exercise in the meetings has been very released! You can hardly hear the piano when all the students are singing and releasing the lines from the songs. What a joy to be able to exercise and pursue together with so many companions!

In the first morning message, Brother Brian had a specific burden that we would learn the importance and skill of pray-reading the Word. By pray-reading His Word, we not only are constituted with the Word, but it is a powerful way to exercise our spirit both individually and corporately so that the Spirit can be released! We also need to fan into flame the gift of God by praying in the prayer meetings of the church! (2 Tim. 1:6)

For the gospel message we were implored to spend much time in the Word so that we can impart the Word into others! Our own words will not cause people to believe with their heart and confess with their mouth. Instead we have to speak the Word into people. We can’t be afraid of persecution, we must be like Peter and John who stood and spoke to the people “all the words of this life.” (Acts 5:17-20)

In the evening message, brother Ken told us his testimony about coming into the church life. He was captured because he met saints who were absolute for the Lord. We need to recover the spirit of absoluteness in the church life! For this we must fall in love with the Lord, we must be His crazy lovers! We must give our whole being absolutely, corporately to pursue Him and be one with Him to fulfill His heart’s desire on the earth. Nothing on this earth can compare to the joy of loving Him and giving our whole being to Him for His purpose!

The response after the meeting was awesome! People were running to get to the microphone to share and, once again, there was not nearly enough time for all that wanted to share. The overflow meeting had twenty minutes of spontaneous corporate consecrating prayers at the end! Lord may the atmosphere rise higher and higher this week and may You gain the consecration You need to make us Your age-turners!


Testimonies from students from Wednesday, Day 4:

“The Lord came to cast fire on the earth. If we are serious about turning the age we must fan the divine fire in our spirit into flame by pray-reading the word of God!” –a student from Odessa, TX

“If you want to be an age-turner, you have to pray-read! Let’s learn to crack the bone and suck out the marrow!” –a student from San Diego, CA   

“I was impressed that if we don’t exercise our spirit, the Holy Spirit Is locked and imprisoned inside of us. Lord, cause us to exercise our spirit to release You!” –a student from Round Rock, TX

“I realized how important it is to be constituted with the Word. You can’t give what you don’t have. So in order to minister the word, we need to be constituted with it!” –a student from Calgary, Canada

“He’s calling on you? Speak, your servant is listening.” –a student from Calgary, Canada

“’I would that you were hot or cold.’ Age-turners are those who enjoy Christ in His absoluteness for God. Lord, make us absolute!” –a student from Pullman, WA

Updates of the National College Training will be sent daily.  Please spread these updates and this burden so many more can participate in prayer and be encouraged with the Lord’s move among the college-age saints!

4 Responses

  1. I appreciate so much all the testimonies and sharing from the conference. I have been so encouraged as an older saint to keep running the race and finish my course!

  2. Thank you Lord for so many precious young people who love You and who shine with You as their life in this dark age.

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