
Day two at the 2015 National College Training brought more enjoyment, building up and pursuing! As the first full day of the training, the trainees are adjusting to the schedule and the pace of the training. It’s been very impressive to see all the planning, prayer, and coordination it takes to carry out such an unprecedented endeavor! There are coordinated eating times, meeting times, exercise times, and many other practical arrangements. It is no small task to feed and take care of almost 1700 trainees! What a great sight to see so many trainees expressing Christ and blending all over campus!

In the morning watch time we were implored to stop our entire being and behold the beauty of the Lord. Our brother gave us some practical helps for our time in the morning. We especially need to avoid the distractions that rob us of this most precious and crucial time of beholding the Lord.

In morning session one we learned about experiencing the two aspects of the Spirit. Brother Bill helped us to know and experience both His infilling and His outpouring. Not only is He the wonderful Spirit in us, but He is also the wonderful Spirit on us! Everything that we need is in the Spirit! The essential Spirit is in us for our spiritual existence, being, and life, whereas the economical Spirit is on us for our spiritual work, function, and power. We need both!

In morning session two we covered preaching the gospel on the campus. The college campuses are the best fishing ponds and the students are the best fishermen. In order to catch the fish we must avoid using gimmicks but should instead fish by the Spirit and in the Body, regardless of our natural disposition.

The group times began today as well, bringing in a vital component to the college training. In these times seven or eight students and serving ones meet daily for an hour or so for prayer and fellowship and then break into two’s and three’s for an additional time of more intimate prayer and building up. Lord bless the group times! The exercise time went well also as students participated in seven organized sports around campus. The thunder storms that were threatening sovereignly went right around us! Lord keep blessing and covering all the aspects of this training!

In the first message of the evening time, God’s Age Turners, brother Mark incited the students to fully consecrate themselves to become the dispensational instrument to turn this age. God needs and uses the young people to make a change in every age. May so many trainees have a landmark experience in this college training and build an altar like Abraham. We need to echo Isaiah and say “Lord send me!” For this we need to overcome four things: worldly enjoyment and pleasure, rebellion, death, and natural affection. After the message many students shared at the microphones, consecrating themselves with great resolutions in heart! May we all show strength and take action for His purpose!

Updates of the National College Training will be sent daily.  Please spread these updates and this burden so many more can participate in prayer and be encouraged with the Lord’s move among the college-age saints!

7 Responses

  1. Thanks for the update, we say amen Lord! Keep on blessing the college training, usher in the New and Final revival, Satan is defeated, Jesus Christ is Lord!

  2. Unfortunately I was not able to sign up for the prayer times, but I have been praying for the NCT. There’s such an urgency in my being to stand with the Body in prayers and by praying. I am so grateful that there are laboring saints who give us updates. What a glory to the Lord and what a big shame to the enemy. Lord, your age turners! And, the Lord is not unjust to forget the labor of love of all the saints..

  3. How marvelous that in God’s sovereignty with human cooperation He can have such an unprecedented period of time with young, college age students to receive the vision and the corporate training to offer themselves willing to the Lord to turn this age and bring the Lord back..Eventhough I am well past college age, through the fellowship in the churches and the laboring ones for this event, and now your daily reports, my spirit is sturred up to spend more time individually and with other saints to petition the Lord for these times that He could gain these young one for the last great revival ,turn the age and give the Lord a way to return. You are in our prayers; your co-laborer inprayer. Tom Eidson

  4. Lord Thank you for the age-turning saints!
    Lord bless this lovely lovely church! Lord wrought yourself into me! Shame the enemy inside me! Subdue the evil one expose me purge me so I can be filled w you. I cant be an individual and be used by God! Lord I am
    Please forgive my sin. Wash me cleanse me circumsize and annoint me keep me in the index of your eyes!
    Bless this move of the age-turners! May the Lord make a way for me!
    Sister Allison C

  5. O Lord Jesus we love you!
    we must gain Christ! Lord you are our everything, nothing else matters! You said you are faithful to complete this good work in us. Keep us in the index of your eye. Lord grow more in us today than yesterday, be so sweet to us, and T y for your rich supply. Make us full-grown in Christ, mature us into your sons, completely subdue and occupy. Teach us to light the lamps and burn the incense! T y Lord for making us your age-turners!

  6. Lord bless the gathering of your church!
    Bless this bride of Christ! Lord T y for supply all the seeking, the shepherding, the coordinating, here, there, and everywhere around this world for the purpose of God’s move and His great economy wheel. Come Lord Jesus! We love you!

  7. Lord T y for this encouraging word of these precious saints. I appreciate reading about this move of God and it strengthens me and gives me hope of an overcoming future.

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