The 2015 National College Training (NCT) will begin Lord’s Day, July 12 (ending July 18). Saints in all the local churches in North America are urged to pray fervently for this unprecedented event in the Lord’s recovery in America.

A total of 1,780 brothers and sisters, including 1,300 college-age saints and 480 serving ones will convene on the campus of the University of Illinois in the city of Champaign-Urbana for one week. Attendees of the training include students representing 325 campuses from 39 states and 33 countries from six continents.

Let us petition the Lord to bestow the top divine blessing of His own presence as the out-poured Spirit upon this training. May we intercede on behalf of a new generation of young people that each will have a life changing encounter with the God of glory. Supplicate for their total possession by the Master for His use.

Pray that these young believers as a group will offer themselves willingly in the splendor of their consecration and be like the dew from the womb of dawn, watering Christ in the day of His warfare (Psa. 110:3). Beseech on their behalf that not one of them will despise their youth, but become a pattern to the saints (1 Tim. 4:12).

Above all, remember God’s need today for dispensational instruments who will be factors in the ushering in of the kingdom age- His age-turners. By His grace and mercy, should our young generation not become such? Should they not answer the divine call to be the overcomers today? Should they not live for nothing but the Lord’s desire and intention?

There is a desperate need for intercession! As the Lord leads, please pray daily this coming week for this college training and everyone who attends. Bind Satan the strong man! Hail the cross and Christ’s victorious death that defeated the enemy! Claim the blessing of the measureless Spirit from on high!

Daily updates of the NCT can be viewed at Please feel free to spread the word of this burden so more can participate in this special ministry of prayer.

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3 Responses

  1. Lord bless the lovely lovely church. Lord I am a member and am in need of hospitality in Tallahassee. I need to be built in. Lord head it up make a way where there seems to be no way.

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