On the first day of a new year we should realize that the previous year is behind us and that a new year, a new beginning, is before us…In the light of the Lord, our former weaknesses, failures, and mistakes will come to an end, and we need not bring them with us. With a new year, we can have a new beginning, a good beginning, starting in resurrection. – Witness Lee, God’s Need and God’s Goal, Chapter 4

In view of this new year and the opportunity for a new beginning, we would like to invite you to participate in our corporate reading of the Life-study messages relevant to the recent Winter Training on Exodus.

  • What: Life-study of Exodus Messages 1-50
  • When: Beginning on Monday, January 12th, 2015
  • Pace:  3 messages per week
  • Click here for a calendar

We would also like to announce the opening of new public forums on the Living to Him website. You can access them by going to livingtohim.com/forums and from there, sign-in with your Google or Facebook account or register as a new user as indicated on the right side of the page.

These forums include categories such as Truth Constitution, The God Ordained Way,Human Life, Migration, and a Help board. For fellowship and discussion of the Life-study of Exodus, we encourage you to freely post your enjoyments, fellowships, or questions and responses in the “Truth Constitution” forum. This will become a great source of supply and mutual encouragement for those in our generation. We pray that none of us will despise or withhold our portion of Christ but will share it with the Body of Christ for building up. Even if you have already read the Life-study of Exodus, you can share your enjoyment and encourage others on this forum.

As an additional tool, you can also use ExcellentBeliever.com to form small reading groups to encourage one another and track your progress in reading the Life-studies. Please also encourage your companions and those in your locality to consider entering into this corporate pursuit so that we can all get into the riches of this ministry, allow the Lord to work Himself more into us, and build up the Body of Christ. May the Lord have His free way in our being in 2015!

5 Responses

  1. Great to know about this! Just in time to start reading the Life study of Exodus according to the corporate schedule : )

    The radio program archives on Life Study of the Bible with Witness Lee are very good. They are short, perfect for listening during breaktimes. They include original Sound bites from brother Lee‘s Life study messages. Below is the link:


  2. Reading life-study messages is really important for all the saints in every local churches to pursue individually and corporately.If we have the habit of reading few messages as a working saint in our free time we can receive benefits for our spiritual growth and be more useful for His economy.

  3. Praise the For Lord, this new reading for life study of Exodus. And Oh Lord Jesus,i am coming to you and open to you see your heart diaries in ExODUS. Not individuals ways to livLording in this days but corporate aspect of the spiritual experience of God’s peoples, in live l to You Lord..www.livingtohim.com and http://www.lsm.org.Amen.

  4. Dear saints, I am getting an Unable to Connect error when I try to get to the calendar. The server name is: r20.rs6.net

    Thank you,

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