This post contains Parts 1-3 of a 6-part series of videos where the Ray and Leone Fletcher share their experience of migrating to Europe.



Part 1: Introduction

[vsw id=”9yw4betNCD4″ source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ autoplay=”no”]


Part 2: God’s Need and Our Benefit

[vsw id=”9xeG8YoYzhA” source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ autoplay=”no”]


Part 3: Experience of Migration

[vsw id=”YkAzopwdpXc” source=”youtube” width=”560″ height=”349″ autoplay=”no”]



4 Responses

  1. Really touched and supplied by these dear brother and sister who have seen the burden and needs from the Lord, thus to response to the Lord’s calling to the migrate to Europe! It is trully so glorious to receive the commission from the Lord for the preparation for His second coming back!

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