Submitted by: J.S. who migrated from Fremont, CA to St. Louis, MO in 2011 to attend school.

What is the spiritual highlight of your migration?
I have always been in very large localities (growing up, college, even in the full-time training), so it was a big learning and adjusting experience moving to St. Louis. The Lord has been faithful and always fresh and sweet, placing me with sisters, new ones, and saints to learn how to seek the Lord, flow out the Lord and to coordinate as one in His Body. It hasn’t always been a smooth or easy experience–many failures and frustrations as well as dealings from the Lord. But despite every lack, the Lord is sovereign and is showing me that He is Lord. This is His Recovery, His church, and His move. If I thought I wanted to do something in moving here, that has quickly been erased. All I or anyone  can and should do is present myself wholly to Him and allow Him to operate in and through me. There are a lot of children, college students, and newer saints here who need the shepherding and perfecting in the Lord. My thought initially was that the Lord just needed to send us some more “workers”. I think He has been showing us this year that He desires all of us (even the younger/newer/weaker ones) to rise up and pursue and labor and enjoy together. We have our own thoughts about what the Lord needs/should do, but surely He is God. His ways are higher than our ways; His thoughts are higher than our ways.

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