In message sixty of the Life-Study of Genesis we come to the marriage of Isaac and Rebecca typifying living in fellowship with God, a practical living in oneness with the Lord. Abraham was one who lived such a life, being one who moved in accordance with God’s economy, charging his servant with and by the Lord, and believing in the sovereign Lord. Abraham’s oldest servant followed in Abraham’s footsteps, becoming one who was faithful in responsibility, trusting in the Lord for his responsibility, and looking for the Lord’s leading in his environment. Abraham’s wife, Rebecca, was also such a one – chase, kind, diligent, absolute, and submissive. Laban, Betheul, and Isaac all lived such lives. “The life of those in this chapter was not merely for their own human living; it was a life that issued in the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose, a life which brought forth Christ and produced the kingdom of God for God’s economy.”

In message 61 we see that the marriage of Isaac is also a type of Christ marrying the church. The marriage of Christ and the church is a result of the Father’s plan,the Spirit’s errand to reach the chosen bride and bring the riches of Christ to her, and to convince her and bring her to Christ. The church then responds, doing what the Spirit expects, and following Him to the marriage.

Message 62 shifts gears and brings us to chapter 25 of Genesis, a chapter which unveils that Abraham was not a person mature in life. Following the death of Sarah he married Keturah, having another six sons, and ultimately dying without maturity in the spiritual life. Therefore, we need the experiences of Isaac and Jacob in addition to that of Abraham in order to have a complete type of a believer in Christ. Isaac was one who enjoyed the inheritance and ultimately Jacob was chosen and matured in life. “We need to be transformed in full. When we have been fully transformed, God will have the fulfillment of His purpose.”


To read online: Living Stream Ministry

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To listen to the corresponding radio broadcasts with commentary: LSM Radio

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