In message 15, brother Witness Lee brings us to a marvelous opening up of the line of the divine life in the Scriptures. This line of life begins with Abel contacting God in God’s way, and continues with Seth and Enosh who called upon the name of the Lord, Enoch and Noah who walked with God, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, the children of Israel who all lived in the appearing and presence of God, calling upon the name of the Lord. Joshua lived and worked in the presence of the Lord, Gideon fought in the presence of the Lord, Samuel prayed and called upon the Lord, David trusted in, looked unto, and enjoyed God, and Daniel prayed to God. In the New Testament the line of life continues with the God-man Jesus, the Son of God living by God. The line of life then includes all the believers living by the Lord, the Apostle Paul living out the Lord, the church as the Body of Christ living by Christ as life. Ultimately this line of life culminates in the New Jerusalem, a glorious city sustained by the river of life with the tree of life.

Contrary to the line of life, brother Lee then unveils the line of knowledge throughout the Scriptures in message 16. This line traces from Cain and Nimrod, to Pharaoh, Saul, Nicodemus, the scribes and Pharisees, the disciples, Martha, Peter, Saul of Tarsus, the Corinthians, dissenting ones in the church, and ultimately the Antichrist.

Finally, in message 17 we come to the third step in God’s procedure to fulfill His eternal purpose – to work God into man as life. This is seen in the type of the rib being taken from Adam and being built into the woman, Eve. God said it was not good for man to be alone. As man is created in the image and likeness of God for His dominion and expression, God was implying that it was not good for God to be alone either. What God desires is the church, a pure reproduction of Christ to match Him, just as the rib was part of Adam, so the church is of Christ. God obtains this by working Himself into man as the divine life.

There are many other points covered in these three messages. Please use the comments section below to share your enjoyment or even practice composing a short prophecy. Even if what you write is short (1-2 sentences), this may flow life from your spirit into others!


To read online: Living Stream Ministry

To purchase the Life-Study of Genesis: (Nook) (Kobo) (iBooks(Kindle(Print)

To listen to the corresponding radio broadcasts with commentary: LSM Radio

3 Responses

  1. Amen saints, I have been so encouraged and in awe by these messages. I think the following was one of the most precious things I’ve ever read in the ministry before!

    “The characteristic of Enoch’s life was that he walked with God (Gen. 5:22, 24). We are not told that he worked for God or that he did great things for God, but that he walked with God. This is very meaningful. In order to walk with a person, you must like him. If I do not like you, I will never walk with you. Firstly, I like you, then I love you, and then I will walk with you continually. The fact that Enoch walked with God proves that he loved God. He simply loved to be in the presence of God. The Lord Jesus rebuked the church at Ephesus because they did many works for God but had lost their first love (Rev. 2:2-4). The Lord does not want to see so many good works; He wants to see our love toward God. Suppose a wife performs many good works for her husband, yet would never be in his presence. Surely the husband will say, “I don’t want you to be busy and yet be away from me. I want a wife who is with me all the time.” Chapter 15 sec. 3 online

  2. During the day God shaded the people, protecting them from the bright sunlight. During the night he gave them light to illuminate their way.”
    Oh Lord Jesus, illuminate our every step!

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