“Some people are job-dropping full-timers and some are job-keeping full-timers. Every one of us should live entirely for the Lord’s interests on this earth. Although you have a job, you are still working for the Lord. This way depends on your taking what you have received from your job, aside from amply supplying the needs of your family, and offering it entirely to the Lord to meet the needs of the work and of the full-timers. This is extremely important and has a bearing on the speed of the advance and spread of the Lord’s recovery.” (Witness Lee, Rising Up to Preach the Gospel)

The Lord’s move in His recovery is a divine stream which has flowed from China to the United States and is now making its way back to Jerusalem via Europe in preparation for His return. As those in His recovery today, the Lord requires our utmost cooperation. Otherwise, He will have to seek another channel for His move – another people who will heed His call. For this, we need to have the realization of where we are in history and the current world situation as it relates to the Lord’s move. The Lord’s move to Europe is not merely another burden in the Lord’s recovery. It is the Lord’s ultimate move, a move that will bring in the turning of the age and the Lord’s return.

It is with this in view that the Boston Extension training was established in 2011 in order to send trained young people to serve in Europe. Under the Lord’s blessing, a number have already graduated from this training and many more will graduate this coming year. However, of all those who are willing and available to go to Europe immediately, only a few were able to go because of the lack of support.

As working saints or the backbone of the Lord’s recovery, we need to bear the weight of this burden for the Lord’s move. For example, if we all eat out a few less times a month or buy a few less specialty coffees, the money saved could meet this need. We must consider our ways concerning how we care for our own house and for God’s house (Haggai 1:4-5).  The Lord’s recovery is not without the funds to support the Lord’s move, but it may be without the hearts that give way for the funds to flow. May the Lord recover a culture among this generation of regular giving that is not only for the churches’ needs but also for His move to close this age.

Please use the comments section to share your feelings, burdens, and experiences related to this matter for our mutual learning and encouragement.

Donations to support the trainees can be made payable to: “Church in Anaheim/LME”, but you must include a note which says “Boston Trainees TO EUROPE.” Mail the donation to Lord’s Move to Europe, P.O. Box 9107, Anaheim, CA 92812.

Donations may also be directly transferred from bank accounts with the information found at http://lordsmove.org/offerings.html.

20 Responses

  1. Thank you for posting this mail. I am a saint in Ghana, West Africa, wishing to contribute to this need. Is it possible for donations to be collected at a point for bulk dispatch to Anaheim, to avoid individual donations losing their value due to cost of transferring money overseas, I don’t really know the actual cost or procedures, except that even though we are willing, perhaps the exchange rate as well as the cost of transferring funds may affect the amount received in the USA, if we do it individually. The Lord bless His recovery.amen.

  2. Praise the Lord, thank the LOrd for His blessing. As a member of the Body, I also would love to contribute my portion. But one problem, im from china, how can i transfer money thru oversea bank account? is there a bank account for oversea transfer funds?

  3. Last Thursday a group of sisters including young mothers gathered together and prayed for the need of the Boston Trainees TO EUROPE to be known among all the saints, Praise the Lord for answering this prayer through this post. Lord, don’t let us go, may You gain the cooperation You need from all the saints throughout Your recovery for Your move in Europe. Lord, we allow You to burden us…until You win.

  4. Amen! O Lord Jesus keep us from robbing You! Help us to bring everything to You – especially our time and our money! Enlighten us about Your standard Lord and what You require of us.

  5. May the Lord have mercy on us. We definitely need to spend less on dining out and buying specialty coffees.
    May the Lord help us save for His spending.
    I am heartened because we can all take our spending and saving to the Lord in prayer and He will help us in our giving.

  6. I am a saint in Hsinchu, Taiwan, and I hope to be a real “job-keeping full-timer”, specially contributing my part of being the Lord’s move to Europe.
    In Christ,
    hno. Howard

  7. Amen! Lord Jesus, create in us a heart truly one with Your will. For Your move here on earth especially in Europe, gain our time, burden us to spend less and offer more for this move. Lord, we desire to see You face to face but we need first to grow, to mature to be built up as Your army to fight for Your enemy. Lord, we fully offer ourselves for the fulfillment of Your heart’s desire,for the building up of Your Body to usher in Your return. Lord Jesus we love You. Come Lord Jesus!

  8. “How blinded we have been
    Shut in with what concerns us
    While God’s house lieth waste
    Lord, break through, overturn us…”

  9. I have a simple question about tithing and paying off debts. I receive income on a monthly basis and everything is set up to go directly into the bank account and all the out going payments are set up to go days after. My debit is greater than my income, but I would still like to give to the Lord. I also have student loans and a credit card debt. My bank account is normally in minus. This burdens me, but it has been like this for ten years. I’m not sure how to overcome in this matter. I tried tithing for a short period, but then bank fees started for being to far in overdraft to make my regular payments. Oh Lord Jesus. I just don’t know how to go on or who to fellowship with concerning this situation.

  10. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Spain,

    I’m Patricia. I came from Indonesia. I’m a young working saint who lives and works in Jakarta. I’d like to inform you that our Lord’s movement throughout Indonesia, especially Jakarta, grows so fast.

    All of our elders, deacons, and fulltimers throughout the churches in Indonesia have agreed in one accord to establish 500 churches (lamp stands) throughout Indonesia until 2020 (India also has the same vision exactly like us).

    Therefore, I urge you Brothers and Sisters in Spain, to pray for us so that our Lord’s movement will reach not only Indonesia, but also this whole world (including Spain) so that we could prepare a way for our Lord for His coming for the second time. Amen. God bless you all.

    Warmest regards,

    Patricia Sianturi

  11. Personally, I hav this burden to serve Europe. I started to have this desire when I was high school. It encouraged me to finish my study and join the ftt to be prepare. Now, I have one more term left in the ftt and I’m continually considering before the Lord and fellowshipping with the saints about this burden. Last term, I already made a decision before the Lord and to my parents that IS am willing to take this calling. I know, based on the testimonies and updates I have read, it is not easy to answer this call. I tried many times to let go of this, but IN cannot. I even dreaming this, literally dreaming

  12. Personally, I have this desire to go to Europe to participate in His move. I got this desire since I was in high school. This desire encouraged me to finish my studies and join the ftt. Now, by His mercy, I am already in my 3rd term in the training. Last term, by considerng much before the Lord and through fellowship with the saints, I made a decision to answer Hs call. I am aware for the price I need to pay. By readng the updates and the testimonies of the saints, it is not easy to go there. I tired many times to give up this desire but it is not letting me go. I am captured by the vision that since I want the Lord’s coming and the establishment of His kingdom, He must gain Europe. As for this time, my participation is taking the Lord’s faithfulness in faithfully praying for His move there and for Israel. I do not know yet how the Lord will bring me there, what IS can do now is to prepare myself by continually learning from Hm in all of His arrangements.

    In Him,
    A sister

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