This is an audio recording of the fellowship Brother Ron Kangas had with the working saints in Anaheim, California on August 1st, 2012. The title of the fellowship is “Necessary Experiences, Important Lessons, and a Crucial Decision.” Click here to listen or download.

19 Responses

  1. Amen Praise the Lord for the great fellowship among the Young Adults..

    For the Lords move today here on Earth He need the body to do this work, and this body are the Churches among every cities around the globe.

    all of the saints are considered a working ones..and this working one are the most Young Adults..

    Praise the Lord for this..

    May ask how to up load this message so that i can listen too and share with my Co-Young Adults in my locality of Cagayan de Oro.

    I’m Brother Jerson Lagos from the Church in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines.

    Hallelujah for the Body of Christ. Praise the Lord.

  2. In the message, brother Ron spoke of a Wednesday night ministry meeting that he gave concerning the matter of pure commerce. Does any one know which message is this one?


    1. Fall Term 2004, Message Fifteen – The Application of the Vision of the Ephah Vessel in the Lord’s Recovery Today

      1. From webcast audio archive section, msg 15 God’s intention with Job ( 2) is listed. I don’t see the msg on ephod vessel. Does anyone find where in audio archive I should look for?

        1. SK – It appears that only the video is available on LSM Webcast. If you click on “Conferences & Trainings” under “Additional Content” you should see the 2004 messages there. The term is entitled “The Intrinsic Significance of the Lord’s Recovery for the Building of the Church as the House of God and the City of God” and the message is indeed message 15.

    2. I think it is the one on the ephah vessel from zechariah 5. I have it on my computer and can find out specifically for you if you want.

  3. When I click the “here” link to download the message it doesn’t work 🙁 . Is that my computer or a glitch?

  4. I had trouble downloading the audio, but I eventually found a work around.
    I’m not able to click on the link in Chrome or Firefox. In IE9 the link worked, but it automatically started streaming in Windows Media Player. When I tried to right-click and “Save Target As” in IE9, I wasn’t able to download it. I finally tried right-clicking the link in IE9, “Copy Shortcut”, then pasting the address into Chrome. The audio immediately started playing in Chrome, but right-clicking anywhere on the page and selecting “Save As” allowed me to download the file. Looking forward to listening, especially because Brother Ron mentioned that he’s not going to talk to young adults any longer because he hasn’t seen any change. May these words not only sound good in our ears but affect our living.

  5. Dear saints, it seems that the links are disabled for some reason in Chrome but works fine in Internet Explorer. While we look into this issue, you can copy and paste this address to listen to the file or right click anywhere on that page and select “Save as…” to download (as pointed out by Philip):


  6. I appreciate this fellowship and sowing unto the spirit.
    Here are the 15 points of fellowship:

    1. Develop a personal and affectionate relationship with the Lord.
    2. Live in the divine economy as a vessel open to the Lord.
    3. Learn how to work at a job.
    4. Learn how to manage our money and how to give.
    5. Learn to live a consecrated life.
    6. Learn to live in the world but not of the world.
    7. Learn to be Jesusly human.
    8. Learn to have a family life in resurrection.
    9. Learn to accept the discipline of the Holy Spirit in our life.
    10. Seek the growth in life through the experience of life.
    11. See the central work of God.
    12. Learn to live in peace with God and with everyone as far as it depends upon you.
    13. Learn to care for people.
    14. Learn to bear responsibility in the church without ambition.
    15. Learn to live in the will of God.

    I appreciated that the overcomers in Rev. 12:11 develop in the divine romance to such a degree that they love the Lord more than their life. This is an issue of all these matters especially of the maturation of the Lord’s love in us. As He continues to dispense the love in us more and more, that love motivates the growth in life. We go from stage to stage until we become the Shulammite, the same as He is. Then in chapter 7, there, we give Him our love, in the fields and villages. Then we have a longing to be raptured to be with Him. “This is the normal development of the love of the Triune God in us! But at a certain point it requires a decision, a crucial decision, ‘Lord I am a believer not just a human. I am in the church life not just a believer. Now I choose to be produced as an overcomer, someone who loves You supremely…’”

    Lord Jesus, make us Your loving seekers!!


    1. Amen and Amen! Thank you very much brother for posting the ‘kernel’ of this wondeful shepherding, cherishing fellowship. O Lord Jesus, by Your grace and mercy, may we live in the reality of this God-man life and living, in this divine romance!Hallelujah!

    2. Amen! I enjoyed all these points. May the Lord strengthen us, as overcomers, to fight in the midst of degrading times.

  7. I can’t get this audio file to play. The “click here to listen or download” link doesn’t work. I’m using Chrome. What am I doing wrong?

  8. How comforting it is to know that we are “blessed” when we sense the Lord began to deal with our flesh. How encouraging to know that our young adult years can be “full of development” on all 15 points. How clear to know that a crucial decision must be made by us at a certain point to “choose” to be produced as an overcomer. And how wonderful to know that an overcomer is simply one who, who, having been loved and dispensed into, loves the Lord more than his/her own soul life.

    Dearest Lord, help us to make that decision and draw us to love you until we are utterly lost in that love, seeing nothing and no one but you, living for, in, and to your will alone.

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