Submitted by: A.A. (Cambridge, MA)

It is always refreshing and encouraging to hear the Lord’s speaking concerning specific matters. In the course of my ministry reading I have been in the Life-Study of 2 Corinthians [by Witness Lee]. I happened to read Messages 46-49, which are about how we as believers receive grace to overcome the usurpation of temporal and uncertain riches and participate in the ministry to supply needy saints, as well as how we conduct ourselves in a way that is honorable before God and man. These messages are a treasure! The ministers of the new covenant are fully reconciled to God and serve the saints by an all-fitting life.

Some matters that stood out to me include the following:

1. The more we are reconciled to God and enjoy the fourfold grace, the more we are released from the hold of mammon.

2. Since we receive grace, our giving is not merely a supply of material riches but also a supply of life to the saints for the building up of the Body of Christ.

3. Paul behaved himself in his ministry in a way that took forethought especially in matters related to money. He was careful and considerate and cautious.

4. Our giving is both a gathering and a sowing which results in blessing and thanksgiving.

5. God desires that His people be balanced regarding wealth and the daily supply. If we don’t give and try to store up wealth in excess God will cause the money to fly away In Exodus when the Israelites gathered
manna in the wilderness, those who tried to store up excess found that it bred worms and stank.

May the Lord gain us as new covenant ministers.

9 Responses

  1. PTL!!!
    So many today have been raised up in a generation where ministers speak constantly about ‘prosperity’ of the believer, only to banter for one’s donations to their own ministries. Then upon recite of these turn and use it upon their own ‘fleshly’ desires. This must end and it will. For the LORD is raising up those that will, wholeheartedly, return to the biblical principle of freely receiving to freely giving!!! It has begun :{)))

  2. Oh Lord Jesus! Do save us from the power of mammon Lord. We don’t want to live by our own and according to our own. We want to depend on You as You are the unique source of everything. We want to be like the lilies, living a dependent and trusting life. Although we are making a living to have mammon, yet this mammon (money)will be for You for the continuation and spreading of Your work here on earth. Lord, we want to admit that many times we are deceived by mammon, therefore we ask You to remind us all the time. As we are being saved from the power of sin, death, Satan and darkness, save us also from the power of mammon. Lord, in this matter, are looking away unto You. Lord Jesus we love You!

  3. There used to be some fellowship here on how to give and on us giving to the Lord. Can you tell me where it is? I really would like to get into the matter of giving to the Lord according to the principle of giving upwards. Lord I need You for this!

    1. Dear georgiann, it’s not clear which fellowship you are referring to. However, since all the posts are categorized, you may be able to find what you are looking for by going to the “OUR SITUATIONS” tab at the top and click on “Finances”.

    2. Hello Georgiann, I have been a brother in Christ for almost 30 yrs.I have had a problem of tithing for many yrs ,an it was still bothering me . I kept on searching no answer about giving until I just recently read a book .By A.W. Pink (on tithing) Now I really understand what God wants from us … I hope you get a chance to read the book it will give you understanding. your brother Into Christ Jesus….

  4. sharing what u have with fellow believers though ordained by God, yet we need His supply to release us from mammon’s usurpation.

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