“In this universe there are two histories: the history of man, the human history, and the history of God, the divine history.” – Message 5 of the 2012 Summer Training.

Since May 19th, saints from all over the world have gathered in the United Kingdom at major cities along the route of the Olympic Torch Relay to distribute the New Testament Recovery Version and other ministry material. This relay will end in London on July 27th, when the Summer Olympics will begin. As these games of the human history commence, we want to make the divine history within this human history by distributing 100,000 copies of the New Testament Recovery Version.

Based on the information given during this Summer Training, an astounding 48% of those contacted so far during the Torch Relay requested further contact. Considering that 10 million people are expected to be at the Olympics in London, the field is indeed white unto harvest!

However, for this upcoming Bible Distribution at the Olympics, only about 50% of the hospitality spaces reserved at Bower House are filled. In other words, there is the need for many more to go. At the same time, there is also the need for more to give for the printing of these Bibles.

May the Lord cause us to not look first at the satanic chaos enveloping us but at His beautiful face. “Lord, I give myself in faith to pray, to give, and to go if You allow, for there, I will give You my love.”

For more information and to sign up to participate, please visit:


To donate for the printing of the 100,000 copies of the New Testament Recovery Version, please send your gift to Living Stream Ministry with the designation for “London Bible Distribution.”

9 Responses

  1. Praise the Lord for His move within us and His move on the earth! May we be those who participate in the divine history all the days of our life.
    Amen, Come Lord Jesus!

  2. Dear brothers!
    I posted this title (with Vietnamese languge)on my site to the saints in Vietnam knowing to pray for this work.
    May God bless the Lord’s move in Europe.
    Isaac Hung

  3. we are so happy and encouraged to see hundreds of saints from all over the earth coming to Bower House to stay, help, serve, and go out with the books! There’s so much need for packing the 100K New Testaments – before the Olympics start!

    Praise the Lord, we can all PRAY, some can GO, and we can all GIVE to be One with the Lord in this divine history happening right now within the human history!

  4. Just back from Bower House in London. Served on the Greenwich team with the local saints. What a priviledge to participate in this small way in the Lord’s move today. Every day the number of Bibles distributed went up. During the first week, we began the first day with distributing around 200 Bibles and ended the week with distributing over 400 Bibles. The second week, we began with 500 Bibles, then 660, then 1600 and I heard today it was over 2000. Thank you Lord for sending hunger for the truth into the land. Now, we pray, You would thrust out the workers into Your harvest. Thurst is like the power of a jet engine to get the airplane off the ground. Please visit my blog at josephstorehouse.blogspot.ca

  5. Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore let us also, having so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, put away every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us and run with endurance the race which is set before us.”
    Amen, What a privilege to participate in the Lord’s present move. Thank the Lord for all the saints responding in prayers, giving and going. We really sensed the cloud of witnesses cheering us on this past week! It was such a pleasure to be enjoying the Lord with the saints from all over the world, and then just going out and spontaneously overflowing Him to the thirsty ones. I really feel like the Lord has answered our prayers to bring all the seeing ones to the tables. One woman received a bible for herself and another for her daughter, and the next day returned and was worried because she forgot to check the box saying that she wanted more contact! Another woman received the bible and returned the next day to get another bible… she said her and a friend were reading together and her friend took the bible because she liked it so much! That woman also came to the seminar at the end of the week and enjoyed the fellowship very much. I can never forget the faces of some that the Lord has written on my heart! May the Lord save them to the uttermost!
    When I left last week more than 60,000 bibles had been distributed and many, many are wanting further contact. So, we have really just begun! There is a great need for many to GO to continue to shepherd all the seeking and newly saved ones in the UK. The direction of the Lord’s move is to build the Body, prepare His Bride, and to bring in His kingdom; these are all a matter of the growth in life, the increase of Christ. And for there to be growth there needs to be the nourishing and the cherishing.
    So, Amen Lord, fully release us for Your move! May we continue to pray for this, and may the Lord bless all of the fellowship unto the furtherance of the gospel.

    1. Amen, sister Kim! Praise the Lord for the Gospel of the Kingdom! May His kingdom come and will be done in the UK, Europe, the Middle East, Jerusalem, and the uttermost parts of the earth.

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