As a capstone to this special one-month Life-study reading program, Brother Andrew Yu has created a thirteen-minute video to encourage the saints to continue in and develop the habitual reading of the Word and the Life-studies. “I wish that all the young people, the working saints, and all the saints in general would get into the Life-Study and read the Life-study messages. Brother Lee spent over twenty years in putting together this wonderful, wonderful volume and it would be a big, big pity if in the Lord’s recovery we know about it but have never read it.” May we be those who invest our time to be constituted with the Word, to appreciate the Word, and to propagate the Word. Praise the Lord!

11 Responses

  1. At a conference for young working saints about 10 years ago, Brother Rick Scatterday shared with us, and likened reading the ministry daily to taking a multivitamin. He said, maybe you don’t see the difference from one day to the next, but after 20 years you can see the difference between a person who took a vitamin every day and a person who did not.

    I appreciate the burden of the brothers at this time to encourage us to develop the appetite for the healthy food.

  2. We can look back at how much of our time, energy and resources we have invested in our health, education, etc. Hallelujah! The investing in life never goes away! Getting into the truth is a matter of choice. Truth is not fast food, it is the healthy food. We take the initiative by exercising our mind and our will to take it into us.
    Br. Andrew encouraged us to set aside some time to get the healthy word into us, even to designate the time and place. Then he said that once we build up a habit, it will be easy. Anything habitual is easy.
    So, we should not be barely making it, barely just keeping ourselves alive by the HWMR, we must be healthy. The Lord wants to see us healthy. Brother Lee spent 20 years digging up these riches in the Life Studies for us, it will be a pity to not invest what The Lord has given us now, our time and energy, to get into them.

    O Lord, make us like camels, storing a great deal of nourishment for our long journey ahead! We need You for this Dear Lord.

    1. “Getting into the truth is a matter of choice. Truth is not fast food, it is the healthy food. We take the initiative by exercising our mind and our will to take it into us.”

      I need your help. I don’t understand this remark.
      The only thing that the Lord requires of us is to live in our mingled spirit, and then, spontaneously, we will fulfill His requirements.
      In my experience, often I have purposed to do many good biblical things, but at the end I fail.
      We have God operating in us both the willing and the working.

      1. Dear B, I don’t understand much. Also, what I do understand, sometimes it is not easy to be put into practice, however, once it is into us, our conscience kicks in and somehow there is a result. What I understood by “getting into the truth is a matter o choice” is that we must take the initiative to come to the table and eat. The meal is ready, but we must pick up the book and read.
        Also, by “truth is not fast food” what I meant was that nowadays there is just too much “junk food,” too much information around us… etc that will not nourish us at all, these are just occupying us. However, the truth, The Lord in His Word, is our real nourishment, our healthy food. Lastly, “We take the initiative by exercising our mind and our will to take it into us.” Hallelujah we have our spirit, but sometimes it is not stirred up, is weak. In the book Lessons of Prayer, I read that many times when our spirit is not initiating, our will must start and then once our spirit is motivated our will then needs to go back to its proper position, which is to be under our spirit’s lead. Therefore, The Lord wisely gave each one of us our will to choose. We choose what to do with our time, we must choose to get into the Word. Is it the Lord’s will, yes it is! Do we wait until we feel to do it, no! Here is where we exercise our will and take it in. Of course, all this is done in our mingled spirit.

  3. In our journey through life, we need the rich supply of the Lord in His recovery to survive during this trip.
    It’s good to know and remember that we are pilgrims in this world and that our citizenship is in the heavens, so we need to equip ourselves with the living Word of God to reach this goal, which is not achieved by effort, not even by our good intentions. We need the Lord and His dispensing to move without losing heart.
    In the recovery we can enjoy the Lord in an all-inclusive way: with the literature, fellowship, prayers, meetings, and mainly by remaining in our mingled spirit. I want to appreciate what the Lord has given us and pay the price.
    May the Lord be real to us throughout this journey

  4. I am so blessed by reading the life study messages,I will continue to read them day after day,my eyes are being unveiled more and more and my mingled spirit is growing stronger and stronger and burning brighter and brighter,Thank you Lord for these messages and for bring me into your truth.

  5. Wow!Amen. Thank you very much for such encouragement.

    ‎” you eat the food like medicine or else you will eat medicine like food”. We should not be only alive but be healthy.
    Truth is not a fast-food. We should not be passive… but take the initiative, exercise our mind and will to choose to eat healthy food.

    May WE be those who invest our time to be constituted with the Word, to appreciate the Word, and to propagate the Word.


  6. If you eat your food like medicine we will eat your medicine like food…..Lord Jesus. The truth is like healthy food and it is a matter of choice. Lord I don’t just want to be alive….I want to be healthy!!!

  7. I am so thankful to the Lord for the brothers faithful speaking lately and for this website. How wonderful it has been to have a way to be encouraged and strengthened while in another part of the Earth. The supply and exhortation in love is reaching me, a sister in the Lord and mother of two small boys!

    The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of truth that we can PURPOSEFULLY get into…especially by reading the Life-Studies to get the burden in each message.

    Lord, make us like camels, storing a great deal of nourishment for our long journey ahead!

    Thank You, Lord, Your speaking is reaching us!

  8. Amen! Thank you, sister Rosita. As much as I appreciate my mingled spirit, I need to exercise my will as well, because the Lord gives us free will, He is not like Satan, the usurper of our souls.

    “Lord, thank You for Your Body and the fellowship in Your Body!”

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