Submitted by: Chao-Chun Liu (Arcadia, CA)

Dear brothers,

Here are two fellowships in English from brother Andrew Yu on church life in the home. I strongly recommend them: (Diamond Bar, 7/24/11) (Diamond Bar, 9/11/11)

Much grace be with you,


[Links to the above messages were updated on 11/18/15.]

5 Responses

  1. I listened to the first message so far. It’s in the atmosphere of a fellowship more than a message. Very warm and inviting. It’s amazing. Don’t think that you’ve heard or know all the ministry there is to hear about the homes. What is the destination of God’s move? the homes. What is the base of God’s move? the homes. I was very touched by the sharing and testimonies afterwards. Some testimonies even brought tears to my eyes. I encourage all young adults in all stages to listen. As brother Andrew shared, we need to change our culture. Opening our homes = allowing the Lord and the saints into our living. Bro. Andrew also dispells many concepts about opening our homes, such as we need to be gifted speakers to do so.

  2. Dear saints, ditto of brother Ben’s question above, is there a way to get these messages since the links don’t work?

    1. Dear Ben and Jon, we apologize for the delay in replying. Because we did not host those messages ourselves, we do not have access to them. If we are able to locate those messages, or if anyone reading this can send them to us, we will repost them.

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