Submitted by: RE (Anaheim, CA)

I came accros the biography of Elisha A. Hoffman, the author of more than 2000 hymns. He wrote: “I must tell Jesus all of my trials (Hymn 787)”, “Leaning on the everlasting arms (Hymn 558)”, “Is your all on the altar (Hymn 448)”, etc.

He did not have any musical training whatsoever. What really impressed me from his biography was that it was that his parents had the habit of getting together to have fellowship with the Lord where they sang one or two hymns everytime. This of course constituted him for the rest of his life. Brother Elisha got married at the age of 26, and ten years later his wife went to be with the Lord, leaving him with three little ones. What a suffering that must have been! However, I believe the constitution in his being from the fellowship with the Lord with his own parents sustained him. It is said that he had the habit of visiting the poor and shepherding, and that one time when he visited a home he found the mother of the home in despair and nothing comforted her until he told her “You must tell Jesus” and she responded, “Yes, I must tell Jesus.” Later on as he went home the words for “I must tell Jesus all of my trials” were written.

This member of the Body, Brother Elisha, is an example of how a practice of spending some time to fellowship with the Lord and with our children can nourish them, others, and us for the rest of their lives.


5 Responses

  1. WOW! Oh Lord thank you for the life of Bro Elisha! This is solemn i pray we all as we aspire to be parents we’ll have fellowship with the Lord and with our children to constitute them with such life for their whole life time.. Amen!

  2. Amen! Br.Elisha’s experience stirs up our spirit and urges us strongly to fellowship with our children for their constitution in the Lord! Our fellowship with our children today can sustain our children tomorrow in Him.
    A sister once shared how her mother’s prayer that ‘her children would grow deep rooted in His Word’ was the reason for our sister’s salvation and sustained her through many difficult times.

  3. I appreciate this fellowship. There was a time when I was really enjoying the Lord in a certain hymn, during a troubling time. It was a joyful hymn appreciating the Lord. I sang it in front of my children, although my intent wasn’t for their sake. But they were infused by this, although they were still quite young. They asked me, “Please sing that song again!,” and they started learning the song. I realized that our enjoying the Lord through the hymns can touch the spirits of our children. Other saints have also testified of the benefits of singing with and to the children. Lord, let us be filled in spirit in speaking and singing the hymns, for the sake of gaining this next generation!

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