With the gospel trips beginning in the coming week, we encourage all the saints to continue steadfastly in prayer.  Pray by yourselves, pray with your companions, pray with your vital groups, pray in your church prayer meetings, and pray in your coordination meetings.  If you are not sure where to begin in prayer, use the following eight points which emerged during the special prayer time among the Southern California co-workers on January 17-18, 2011:

1. That God will release His move in North America today as the present jubilee of grace; that the churches will proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord to restore His people back to their lost inheritance of the riches of Christ; that the saints will announce the gospel to the spiritually poor, blind, and oppressed.

2. That Satan, the strong man, will be bound and his house plundered in the thirty cities targeted for GTCA sowing; that the evil angelic prince over each city will be defeated and displaced and that the cities will no longer be desolate but filled with flocks of men for God’s testimony; that through the propagation of the high gospel and the deeper truths, many of God’s sons will be gained for Christ and the church.

3. That all manner of people—college students, seeking Christians, military personnel, etc.—will be gained in every city (all thirty cities specifically and deliberately named according to their geographic locations) as clusters of remaining fruits; that especially many key and influential ones and entire households will be brought into the church life.

4. That a door for the word of God in the USA and Canada will be opened wide so that the word will run throughout the land and grow and prevail; that the many years of blockade against the ministry of the age will be over; that the recovery will adopt an offensive posture to spread by all means the interpreted word; that the faith and boldness of the saints to speak the word in an unhindered way will be restored.

5. That the saints will appropriate and experience the economical aspect of the Spirit, with His authority and power, to move, act, preach, and minister in a normal and frequent way; that they will be both soaked and clothed with the Spirit to experience His infilling and outpouring for their gospel ministry and service.

6. That the thirty teams with over 1,300 saints will have the Lord’s presence, will experience mutuality and the one accord, will be blessed in their labor, and will achieve a success in the sowing trip; that the Lord will cover and protect all the teams and team members through His sovereign control of the environment and circumstances.

7. That the beginnings of a final revival will be ushered in without delay through the vital group living of all the saints and the normal functioning of all the one-talented members, to arrive at the high peak of the divine revelation, the God-man living, and the God-ordained way of shepherding and perfecting; “Revive Your work, O Jehovah, in the midst of these years!”

8. That the current sowing trips will be successful not only in the bearing of fruit and the planting of church trees but also in becoming a catalyst to stir up the existing churches to gain the increase locally and to spread universally; that the culture of migration will take hold in the recovery to raise up the small, vital, day-by-day, house-to-house church life in many cities.

Tip: Beseeching.org

7 Responses

  1. Amen. This is what we need today. Not only in US but in all places. The Lord prevails! Hallelujah! Come Lord Jesus!

  2. We need to pray these prayers. Halleluya for the final revival will be ushered throughout this world. Amen

  3. “If God leads you to walk a way that you know, it will not benefit you as much as if He would lead you to take the way that you do not know. This forces you to have hundreds and thousands of conversations with Him, resulting in a journey that is an everlasting memorial between you and Him.”
    Quote by brother Nee.

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