What do we do when the pressures of life seem to surround us? The answer, according to Brother Witness Lee, is to draw on God’s supply by faith.

In Messages for Working Saints, Brother Witness Lee writes:

I know that many working brothers and sisters, after finding a job, experience pressure from their boss, competition from their co-workers, plus the jealousy of the aggressive ones. It is indeed not a simple situation. Not only so, but after marriage they will have a wife, and not long afterwards they will have children. It is indeed troublesome. Although there is enjoyment in these things, yet it is not without troubles. What shall we do? This is just like the hymn we sang tonight, which says,

Thou art all my life, Lord,
In me Thou dost live;
With Thee all God’s fullness
Thou to me dost give.
By Thy holy nature I am sanctified,
By Thy resurrection, Vict’ry is supplied.

The last stanza says,

I would cease completely
From my efforts vain,
Let Thy life transform me,
Full release to gain.

(Hymns, #841)

This is just like what the Bible shows us. The divine power of God has granted unto us all things related to life and godliness. The sufficient life supply will meet all our needs. Therefore, we do not have to worry; we need only to draw on God’s supply by faith.

Do we have this kind of experience? Have we touched the Lord as our sufficient supply in the midst of pressure at work or trouble at home?

Please use the comments section below to share questions, comments, or experiences.

7 Responses

  1. Amen, that’s right, this is indeed our experience in working. For me, I just began entering into the working environment, and it’s so much different from what we thought it would be. But thank the LORD, we have HIM as our supply, His grace is sufficient for everyone who comes to Him. Lord take us on…not trying our own effort which are all in vain, but learning to draw on God’s supply of faith. Amen. Praise the LORD~!!

  2. Amen…that is just what I needed to read this morning. I am in a situation/at work and with family that in myself, I am unable to bear. Lord, thank You these are precious opportunities to turn to You and draw from You. May You be magnified. You are the One who can meet every situation. Your grace is sufficient. Praise You Lord!

  3. Praise the Lord for such a word. May the Lord grant us His grace to always draw His rich supply. This supply is real and meets our every need

  4. Amen this is really true in experience. Without the rich supply everything is dry and wasted. Praise the Lord for the living water of life that whenever we stop and draw the living water in our spirit by calling in His name, it is indeed sweet and no effort and thus satisfied. Amen. Praise the Lord.

  5. i am really touched with this message..
    it is true that pressures will be experienced not only in school but all the more at work.
    I am struck with competing with other co-workers. At some point i do experienced it. But, thank the Lord for His Word..We just need to have a turn..Call on His name, because by so doing He will lead us to His sweetness and will caused us to realized things…
    God is so rich in supplying us,,.We just need to draw God’s supply by faith…

  6. It is really true:) sometimes I feel jealous with my co employees, somewhat competing with them but whenever I call & turn to the Lord, He cause me to be reminded & realized that I have to build a testimony for Him….Thank the Lord that He’s so faithful to supply us with Himself. What we need to do is just to draw supply from Him & He will carry us through. Saints, keep enjoying Him as the all inclusive One…He is the only One who can meet our needs. Amen

  7. I was just reminded by this message that we really need to draw supply from the One who is the source of our strength. To deal with pressure at work is not by our own strength, it’s by the Lord’s. There are times we are in a situation that you really wanted to question yourself what am i doing here? Why things turn out to be like this?This is not what i am expecting…But actually every situation and condition we are in are great opportunities to turn to the Lord once more. We just have to turn! Breathe again by calling on His name. Praise the Lord! He is just waiting for us to turn and He will strengthen us again!

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